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Most of the time, this circumstances will be due to two reasons: first, the question might leading to saying the client as guilty. Next, there are moments that a certain person will use it's right of silence (unless against the order of the court).

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Q: What to do opposing attorney will not reply to my attorney?
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What is it called when your attorney works against you with the attorney from the opposing side?

It's known as "collusion"

What is the term for the examination of a witness by the attorney who calls the witness to the stand to testify on behalf of the attorney's client?

The attorney who calls the witness conducts a direct examination. The opposing attorney may then conduct a cross examination. The first attorney may then conduct a redirect exam, whereupon the opposing attorney may conduct a recross exam.

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Bob Ewell is the attorney opposing Atticus Finch in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

What happens if a lawyer lies about his income signed under oath for his own custody proceeding?

Nothing "happens" unless the opposing party can provide proof to the court. Once the court rules then the attorney can face sanctions imposed by the court and, if reported, sanctions can be imposed by the state board of bar overseers. You should consult with your attorney. It's up to the opposing party to pursue it.Nothing "happens" unless the opposing party can provide proof to the court. Once the court rules then the attorney can face sanctions imposed by the court and, if reported, sanctions can be imposed by the state board of bar overseers. You should consult with your attorney. It's up to the opposing party to pursue it.Nothing "happens" unless the opposing party can provide proof to the court. Once the court rules then the attorney can face sanctions imposed by the court and, if reported, sanctions can be imposed by the state board of bar overseers. You should consult with your attorney. It's up to the opposing party to pursue it.Nothing "happens" unless the opposing party can provide proof to the court. Once the court rules then the attorney can face sanctions imposed by the court and, if reported, sanctions can be imposed by the state board of bar overseers. You should consult with your attorney. It's up to the opposing party to pursue it.

What is it called when an attorney disagrees with the opposing councils line of questioning?

it is called objection..

What is the questioning by an attorney of the opposing attorney's witness?

Examination of a witness by opposing counsel is called cross-examination, assuming that by "opposing counsel" you mean examining a witness that is testifying against the client of the opposing counsel. Examination by either counsel of witnesses in favor of their client's position is called direct examination.

What is direct examination of a witness?

Direct examination is when the witness is FIRST questioned in court by an attorney (usually their own lawyer), when he is questioned by the opposing side it is called "cross-examination."

Why it is important that you follow confidentiality procedures in the legal office?

A client seeks out an attorney to protect his/her confidential information regarding the case the attorney is retained to protect. If the confidential information is released to the opposing attorney, the clients attorney chance of winning is dramatically reduced.

What are some examples of the word elicited?

The attorney ellicited a reply from the witness.Attacks of a personal nature ellicited negative responses.

Documents submitted by an attorney to a court is called what?

I believe they are called pleadings. [From an online legal glossary: "pleadings:complaint or petition, answer, and reply"

Can a lawyer in family law refuse to negotiate with another lawyer?

That is a matter of ethics rather than law. It would seem advantageous for an attorney to at least speak with the opposing counsel - but they may have their reasons not to do so. If you are unhappy with your attorney's performance employ a new attorney.

Is there a conflict of interest when opposing attorney's are friend's?

Attorney associate with those in their professions, and develop friendships. This does not change their duty and obligation. Didn't you ever watch the TV program J.A.G.? It's a good example of this.