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Absolutely, a big lie like that is no good if you want a relationship. In addition such subterfuge could unintentionally cause the uninformed person legal difficulties. i mean if you lied bout your age ur gonna lie again bout sumthing else then again n again! It will b an addiction n wen u get cot theirs no turnin baq hunni

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18y ago
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15y ago

You need to sit him down and be truthful. Tell him you have a serious confession to make. Then tell him that you are really fifteen. He will probably be upset. And that's OK. He has a right to be angry. You lied to him and, possibly, you have put him in a position where he can go to jail. That's not OK. But, no matter how upset he is, he doesn't have the right to be physically violent with you. If you think he might become violent, then you should make this confession in a public place and you might think about having a friend or two or an adult with you when you make this confession. You also should be prepared for the relationship to end. That probably doesn't sound great to you. And it won't be easy. But you and he both deserve to have a relationship based on trust. And a six-year age gap is huge, even if it doesn't seem like it to you now. But the odds of your relationship working out are virtually zero. Moreover, if you stay in this relationship, you're likely to miss out on a lot of things that a fifteen-year-old should experience. You should be able to make free choices about going to college, going to prom, etc. If you skip these things for a relationship that probably won't work out, you'll be upset that you missed out on them. Even worse, you might have a child or children at a younger age too and you might resent them for making you become an adult too early in life. You will save yourself and him a lot of heartache if you come clean and if you make a clean break. And, if the relationship is meant to work out, you can reconnect once you reach age 18. 17 and i have the same problem except im engaged!!!! to a 21 year old we are supposed to get marrie in 3 months and i have to tell him ...idk what to do att all i dont want our relationship to be overr i turn 18 in a yearr but idk

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14y ago

Well that depends.

If you and he are close to the same age and you love him and trust him you'll tell him the truth.

But if your totally different ages then ask him how old he would think you are. If he didnt know, and if you trust him, you will tell him the truth.

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15y ago

It means that this guy cannot be trusted. People lie for various reasons. Whether you can consider his reason for lying reasonable enough for you, you can decide for yourself if this person is worthy of a second chance or not.

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13y ago

if it's to your partner, there's a little bit of a crisis you got going on there... you sound like you've lied big time about your age. i mean a couple of years, acceptable i suppose, but hey... if you loved your partner, you wouldn't have lied! oh, and if you're sitting there, feeling sorry for yourself, saying that you didn't have a choice, you did! get a grip! (and a backbone) I'm sorry to break this out to you, but you're pretty much dead. good luck.

omg I've just had a thought... maybe your question isn't anything to do with relationships at all! if you've lied about you age to drink, or buy alcohol or smoke or something... you are a bad person.

but why lie anyway? the truth will always come out... me, I've had experience.

good luck

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14y ago

You gotta casually mention it in conversation. anything he says that you can possibly say that to, say it. If he asks you to give him a ride somewhere say "oh im not old enough for my license yet it's going to be(amount of time) or maybe "sure ill give you a ride. I remember LAST YEAR (or whenever it was ) when i got my license....

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14y ago

"Hey, ________, I'm not actually __, I'm __"

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14y ago

If you don't she may find out later.

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