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Contact the attorney general or check their web site for the consumer's rights in your state. Give the lender a copy. Notify the attorney general of their activities. Make it clear to the lender that he is giving up his right to collect the debt when he breaks the law. That will get his attention. Many loans have a three day right of recision (you can back out within three days). If it is required for your loan and you didn't get it, the lender is sort of screwed.

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Q: What to do after loan is signed and lender refuse to give a copy of contract?
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Does cosigner have a right to copy of contract written by the lender?

Yes. The co-signer should insist on having an original copy of the contract, and any other documents they signed, since they are a party to the contract and the provisions are legally binding on the co-signer.Yes. The co-signer should insist on having an original copy of the contract, and any other documents they signed, since they are a party to the contract and the provisions are legally binding on the co-signer.Yes. The co-signer should insist on having an original copy of the contract, and any other documents they signed, since they are a party to the contract and the provisions are legally binding on the co-signer.Yes. The co-signer should insist on having an original copy of the contract, and any other documents they signed, since they are a party to the contract and the provisions are legally binding on the co-signer.

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Of course you can, and having a copy of that signed contract would be helpful...

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No, there is no requirement to have a copy. If you want to enforce the contract, having a copy is important. And it should be a signed copy to take to court.

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Is my former manager allowed to refuse giving me a copy of the contract?

If you aren't working for them anymore they don't have to give you a copy. You should all ready have a copy.

What if co-signed for a vehicle and the other person went to jail and he is still on the contract how can you get his name off you have the vehicle and have been making payments?

You need to bring a lawsuit and ask the court to order the title be transferred to you. You need a copy of the note that you signed and proof you have been making the payments and for how long. The lender must be in possession of the Certificate of Title. You will need a court order to transfer the title to your name with the help of the lender and it will be up to the judge.You need to bring a lawsuit and ask the court to order the title be transferred to you. You need a copy of the note that you signed and proof you have been making the payments and for how long. The lender must be in possession of the Certificate of Title. You will need a court order to transfer the title to your name with the help of the lender and it will be up to the judge.You need to bring a lawsuit and ask the court to order the title be transferred to you. You need a copy of the note that you signed and proof you have been making the payments and for how long. The lender must be in possession of the Certificate of Title. You will need a court order to transfer the title to your name with the help of the lender and it will be up to the judge.You need to bring a lawsuit and ask the court to order the title be transferred to you. You need a copy of the note that you signed and proof you have been making the payments and for how long. The lender must be in possession of the Certificate of Title. You will need a court order to transfer the title to your name with the help of the lender and it will be up to the judge.

If the person writing a contract fails to give the other person a copy of the contract after they both sign it does the other person have to honor the contract?

Yes. But, they do have the right to possess a copy. However, they also have the obligation to ASK for one. Yes, once the contract papers are signed you are bound by it.

Kindly send us back the signed copy for your conformity?

When asked to send back a signed copy of a contract, the sender is asking the recipient to return documents that provide legal proof of an agreement of terms and conditions.

If you verbally agreed to a contract for an auto warranty and it was sent to you but you changed your mind and never paid nor signed are you liable?

If they didn't send a copy of a signed contract - probably no. They sent you a contract to sign and you did not do so - then also no. Did you benefit from the warrenty already? Case dismissed.

You are renting furniture from rent a center you do not know how much more you owe because you never signed a contract They forgot to give you one Can you keep the furniture and not pay them any more?

No. Failing to obtain a copy of the contract does not alleviate you of the responsibilities included in the contract. Contact the company and request a copy of your contract.

A company asked me to join them a one year contract was signed and now they say that they may not use me. Can they breach the contract and not use me?

The answer depends on what's in your contract. You need to review your copy of the contract that you signed. The company may have reserved the right to not hire you. If you still have questions you should have it reviewed by an attorney who can explain your rights and options. You may not have read it carefully enough before you signed.

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Probably not. It's very difficult to prove you didn't get something. You could try contacting an attorney, but basically you're going to go to court and say "they never gave me a copy of the contract" and they're going to say "yes we did" and the judge is going to say "get out of my courtroom and stop wasting my time; you should have insisted on getting a copy at the time you signed it, what's wrong with you anyway."