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Q: What the illegal way to share a pictures that protected by copyright?
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Is file sharing illegal?

File Sharing networks are not all illegal. Many companys use File Sharing to get stuff to there employees easier. When people use them to give other people music on the internet without paying than it is illegal.

Is it illegal for paedophiles to share pictures of themselves in childhood?

No it is not as long as it is of them now if the picture is not then it is possibly illegal. But the safest thing to stop all the police and FBI getting involved if they see the pictures is to not do it

Is it legal to download copyrighted media as long as you don't share it?

No it is illegal to download copyright material without the authors permission. Then you would have to ask the author if you can share it also.

When someone has viewed archived copyright protected data and sent it to someone else what has occurred?

If the data is copyright protected, the copyright holder has the right to control how the data is distributed. If the person who originally viewed the archived data went to a source that was authorized to share the data there is no problem. If the source was not not granted permission to share it, the person viewing it is probably not guilty of much (unless it can be shown that they did something illegal in order to access he source). Being granted permission to view the data does not grant the right to send it to someone else. That permission must be sought from the copyright holder. Think of it like buying and reading a book. If you buy the book, you have permission to read it. You can even give the book to someone else - but if you copy the book and send it to someone you have now violated the copyright.

Is it legal to share files using a free-share program like LimeWire even if they do not have copyright protection on them?

Assuming the files in question are not public domain or otherwise exempt "sharing" them without permission makes you guilty of copyright infringement whether or not they are DRM (digital rights management) protected.

Is unix is the basic source code for windows7?

Not at all. Both Unix and Windows are trademarked and copyright protected so they cannot share a common code base.

What is peer to peer copyright infringement?

That would probably be copyright infringement by copying files over a peer-to-peer network. It is very easy to share files over such a peer-to-peer network (such as LimeWire, Kazaa, eMule, etc.), so you can easily share, or upload, both legal and illegal files, i.e. files which you are, and which you are not, allowed to copy according to copyright laws.

Is it illegal to put music and movies on a password protected website?

No, as long as you don't share it with others and only use it for your own personal use.

Why are torrent websites illegal?

As all defendants have appealed, we don't know for sure that it is actually illegal. However, Pirates Bay provided links to download copyright material. Hosting sites to download copyright material is definitely illegal. Telling people where those sites are is a slightly greyer area - although still pretty dodgy.

What does trade pictures mean?

Share pictures

Is it illegal to have a random thought and not share it?

It is not illegal

How do you copyright a ringtone?

Ringtones taken from longer works (such as pop songs) generally share the copyright details of the longer work. Entirely original ringtones, to the extent that they are original creative works, would automatically be protected by copyright, but can be registered as well in some countries. Sounds may also be registered as trademarks; the THX "deep note" is perhaps the most famous example.