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That would be a rider.

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Q: What term refers to an unrelated amendment added to a bill to increase its likelihood of passing?
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Who was against passing the 18th amendment?

who was for the passing of the 18th amendment

Is there a difference between a state rejecting an amendment and a state not ratifying an amendment?

No rejecting means not passing and ratifying means passing so not ratifying means not passing which is the same as the rejecting. But rember just because one state rejects a amendment doesn't mean it will not be passed.

Which is a check on the judicial branch?

passing a new amendment to the Constitution.

Which of the following is a check on the judicial branch?

Passing a new amendment to the constitution.

Who has the power to enforce the 13th amendment by passing laws?


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The gene for periodic paralysis is passed on through inheritance from parents to their children. It is determined by the specific genetic mutation present in the affected individual's DNA. Offspring have a 50% chance of inheriting the gene if one parent carries the mutation.

Can Amendment 2 the right to bear arms in the constitution be changed in any way?

Yes, but only by passing another constitutional amendment.

What is the major event immediately preceded the passing of the 13th amendment?

Emancipation Proclamation

What did Republican do?

They are known to have played a part in Reconstruction and the passing of the three amendments-the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment. They had 'radical' ideas, therefore becoming known as the Radical Republicans.

Why is it necessary to pass an amendment to remove an existing amendment?

An amendment becomes a part of the constitution. It's not just a law that can be repealed by passing another law, it's part of the constitution itself, and changing the constitution requires an amendment.

What major event in 1865 occurred that abolished slavery?

the passing of the 13th amendment to the Constitution

How can an Amendment be prevented from passing?

An amendment can be prevented from passing if it does not get enough votes to be proposed (2/3 of both houses in Congress, through a constitutional convention called by 2/3 state legislatures). If an amendment is proposed it can still be prevented from passing by not getting enough votes ( 3/4 of legislatures in states must ratify, or 3/4 of the states must have individual constitutional conventions to ratify it.)