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vet use all tipes of supplies like neddles niffes medicition eg

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Q: What supplies do vets use?
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What tools do vets use and what are their uses?

vets use mostly scales, computers, and x- rays

How do vets use nutrition?

in health

What science do vets use?

Veterinary medicine.

What technology is used for vets?

vets use computers, telephones, and many types of technological equipment for helping the animals

How do you use supplies into a sentence?

The supplies were plentiful

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How do vets use algebra at work?

by usinf algebra at work i dont no

What do vets use to perform surgery for animals?

A rusty steak knife...

What math formulas do vets use?

A+B=C so what is A? Its C

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Find the "Vets Helping Vets Theme" at

What is the motto of Combat Vets Motorcycle Association?

The motto of Combat Vets Motorcycle Association is 'Vets Helping Vets'.

What type of medicines do vets use?

if the medicine did not harm the animal they can have HUMAN medicine!!