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A:The way to conduct such a study is to enact and enforce stricter laws then wait and see what happens. With the current focus on gun massacres such as in the Newtown school, it is instructive to see just what happened when Australia enacted and enforced stricter laws. Australia had a few massacres up to and including the 1997 Port Arthur massacre, but then did two things: i) tightened the laws; and ii) instituted a buyback that took a large percentage of guns off the streets. As of December 2012, Australia has not had a gun massacre in the years since. Of course not all crimes involve use of guns, but this is evidence of success n terms of reducing mass shootings.

I also saw a graph of gun-related deaths per capita vs. gun ownership per capita in OECD countries. Only one nation exceeded the USA in terms of gun deaths to population. The USA was well clear of the others, both in number of guns and gun deaths, and there was a general correlation of deaths with gun ownership (Mexico excluded). This correlation is strong enough to demonstrate that guns mean gun deaths.

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