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Q: What stresses would most likely cause an ecosystem to respond by succession?
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Where would an ecologist least likely to go to study primary succession?

A new island formed by volcanic eruption

Which statement describes how this ecosystem is likely to change after many years of succession?

As succession progresses, the ecosystem will become more complex and biodiverse. The initial pioneer species will be replaced by more competitive and larger species, leading to a more stable and mature ecosystem. Eventually, the ecosystem will reach a climax community that is in equilibrium with its environment.

Which change in an ecosystem is most likely to result in primary succession?

A disturbance that completely destroys all living organisms in an area, such as a volcanic eruption or wildfire, is most likely to result in primary succession. This type of disturbance removes existing vegetation and soil, allowing for the colonization of new pioneer species and the gradual rebuilding of the ecosystem.

What will most likely occur after a natural disaster has damaged a local ecosystem?

After a natural disaster has damaged a local ecosystem, there will likely be a period of recovery and restoration as the ecosystem tries to rebuild itself. This may involve changes in species composition, soil fertility, and overall ecosystem balance. Human intervention through restoration efforts may also be necessary to facilitate the recovery process.

Which stage of succession would most likely experience the least variation in daily temperature?

The climax stage of succession would most likely experience the least variation in daily temperature. This is because the climax community has a mature and stable ecosystem where the environmental conditions are relatively constant and well-balanced, leading to minimal fluctuations in temperature.

What type of succession is most likely to happen after a Forrest being burned?

Secoundary Succession

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Would a newly formed volcanic island be considered a likely candidate for primary succession?

Yes, a newly formed volcanic island would be a likely candidate for primary succession. As the island lacks existing plant and animal life, new species would gradually colonize the barren landscape in a predictable sequence, eventually leading to the development of a mature ecosystem over time.

Where are you most likely to find primary succession?

Pioneer plants are usually present in an area where primary succession begins.

How long does it take for pink to respond to an email?

Since they are stars, most likely they will not respond at all. If they do respond, you are lucky.

Primary succession would most likely occur after?

a lava flow