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This is a legal matter. The father must return to the court that issued the child support order and file a motion for contempt of a court order. He can explain in his motion how the mother is in violation.

This is a legal matter. The father must return to the court that issued the child support order and file a motion for contempt of a court order. He can explain in his motion how the mother is in violation.

This is a legal matter. The father must return to the court that issued the child support order and file a motion for contempt of a court order. He can explain in his motion how the mother is in violation.

This is a legal matter. The father must return to the court that issued the child support order and file a motion for contempt of a court order. He can explain in his motion how the mother is in violation.

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11y ago

This is a legal matter. The father must return to the court that issued the child support order and file a motion for contempt of a court order. He can explain in his motion how the mother is in violation.

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Q: What steps can a father take if the mother isn't abiding by the stipulated child support order?
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The father can file for this change.