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The requirements of extradition are different for each country that has an extradition treaty with the US. Most require basic information about the charge and sentence to determine whether the crime committed in the US constitutes a crime in the country where the fugitive is located. A good example of an extradition treaty is the one between the US and Korea, which requires the following:

1. All requests for extradition shall be submitted in writing through the diplomatic channel.

2. All requests shall be supported by:

(a) documents, statements, [*23] or other types of information which describe the identity, including nationality, and probable location of the person sought;

(b) information describing the facts of the offense and the procedural history of the case;

(c) the text of the law describing the essential elements of the offense for which extradition is requested;

(d) the text of the law prescribing punishment for the offense;

(e) the documents, statements, or other types of information specified in paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 of this Article, as applicable; and

(f) a statement of the relevant provisions of its statute of limitations on the prosecution or the execution of punishment of the offense.

3. A request for extradition of a person who is sought for prosecution shall also be supported by:

(a) a copy of the warrant or order of arrest issued by a judge or other competent authority;

(b) a copy of the charging document, if any; and

(c) such information as would provide reasonable grounds to believe that the person sought has committed the offense for which extradition is requested.

4. A request for extradition relating to a person who has been found guilty of the offense for which extradition is [*24] sought shall also be supported by:

(a) a copy of the judgment of conviction or, if such copy is not available, a statement by a judicial authority that the person has been found guilty;

(b) information establishing that the person sought is the person to whom the finding of guilt refers;

(c) a copy of the sentence imposed, if the person sought has been sentenced, and a statement establishing to what extent the sentence has been carried out; and

(d) in the case of a person who has been found guilty in absentia, the documents required by paragraph 3.

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Q: What steps are required for the United States to extradite a person wanted on a federal arrest warrant?
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What if a state has a warrant knows where you are and refuses to extradite?

The warrant is basically null unless they change their mind about extradition or you get caught in their state, or one they will extradite from. The local Police will basically detain or arrest and release you when they find out the other state wont extradite. The warrant will usually say "Will not extradite from ______" Most states have 10 minutes to find out if a warrant is valid, after that they are required to release you.

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Unless the arrest warrant specifically states that the issuing agency will extradite then you can not be arrested for it.

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ALL states WILL EXTRADITE if the crime is severe enough to warrant such or, in most cases, failure to appear in court.

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Most all states WILL take action to extradite fugitives wanted for felony offenses.

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Yes, if the warrant is on file in the National Crime Information Computer system and NC states that will extradite.

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Yes, the states have no authority to countermand or nullify a federal warrant.

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All US states and territories honor each other's requests for extradition. If CO wanted you badly enough to issue a fugitive warrant for you, the odds are very good that they will extradite you.

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ALL US states and possession honor each other extradition warrants.

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All US states and territories honor each other's requests for extradition - there are no 'safe-haven' states - it is impossible to say whether a particular state will choose to extradite you or not, there are simply too many variables. It may depend on the offense and the seriousness of it and/or how badly they want you returned - most states WILL extradite for felony offenses.

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You are subject to arrest on a Maryland issued warrant anywhere in the United States. The only question is whether once you are arrested whether Maryland will extradite you.

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Assuming all the necessary procedures are followed, the Extradition of Fugitives Clause in the Constitution requires extradition between the states.

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All US states and territories honor each other's requests for extradition - there are no 'safe-haven' states - it is impossible to say whether a particular state will choose to extradite you for a particular offense or not - usually it depends on the seriousness of it - most states will USUALLY extradite for felony offenses.