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You have asked a Good One - I know that this information has been lets say limited. I do know for some timethat that US government and other Govenments has been build large prisons to hold many many million prisoneers. Why so many you say? I believe I know why. They have been preparing for the worst. New news indicates Ice caps will melt by 2012 - They have been building Bunkers for themselves and very large and some secret prisons - I know of one in Alaska and it is said to be albe to house over 1 million population, unreal. Any how I have a rant I will share with you - Goodluck in finding any information about what I post here.

OK This is where I rant....

The US government has spent Billions and Billions bulding unground cities to make themselves sucure or at least the top 1% will be very well taken care of. While the rest of of will be able to stick this thing or things out. I have heard that in fact that they are now saying that by 2012 the caps will be thawed. I have read that in secret circles there is fear that if food is a shortage (read up on Spain and other national crop failures, Japans Jellyfish problem leading them to stealing Fish in USA's waters)and global floods cause world wide epedemics, that could panic over several billion people.Which leads me to a their #1 Contingent plan prior to this is to release aproximatly three (3) Engineered Viruses to Greatly limit the world populations and keep us from digging them out of their Bunkers. You might think that this sounds hanis, yet we will be scrapping for food to say the least. And it has been decided that this plan is the most compassioniate, for the masses (or whats left of us) will tear themselves a part.

But least I go on? You really didnt believe that if it all hit the fan they would bring you rations and doughnuts did you? Do you really think they would just Go under ground and trust us unworthies to just hack it out amongst ourselves? Its comming, everything you seen in movies like "The Stand" or "The Day After Tomarrow" and a few others. If you Don't believe me do some poking around. Read the following Articles. They now have Prison encamments that can easily house over 2 million prisoneers. What will you be Doing when it hits the fan?

Back to the Bunker:

By William M. Arkin

Sunday, June 4, 2006; B01

On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified emergency facilities stretching from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to the foothills of the Alleghenies. They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest "continuity of government" exercise ever conducted, a drill intended to prepare the U.S. government for an event even more catastrophic than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks...............

Gimmer Shelter: More Claret, Senator?

By David Hambling September 05, 2007 | 9:13:00 AMCategories: Bizarro, Homeland Security, Shhh!!!

My local shelter underneath a dingy apartment block looks pretty shabby beside the bunker intended to house the Senate and House of Representatives in the event of a nuclear war. Codenamed GREEK ISLAND, its location was a closely-guarded secret. But it was not out in the desert or at some impossibly remote wilderness spot. Incredibly, the Greenbrier Congressional Bunker was located beneath the plush Greenbrier Hotel ('defining luxury since 1778') in White Suphur Springs, West Virginia. Its presence was kept secret even from hotel staff for some thirty years.

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Q: What states have federal prisons for women?
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Are there any federal prisons intended exclusively for women and if so where are they located?

There are several. Alderson, West Virginia is one of the best known. Where are all womens federal prisons located. Also...there is a women's federal prison in Danbury, Ct. The Federal Bureau of Prisons website has information on all women's prisons.

Where are federal prisons?

Federal prisons in the United States are located throughout the country, with facilities in various states. Some well-known federal prisons include ADX Florence in Colorado, United States Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois, and Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York. The Bureau of Prisons oversees the federal prison system and manages the facilities.

What department runs federal prisons?

The Federal Department of Corrections runs Federal prisons. The Federal Department of Corrections is a subdivision of the Judicial System in the United States.

How many women are released from prison each year?

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, approximately 50,000 women are released from state and federal prisons each year in the United States.

When was Federal Bureau of Prisons created?

Federal Bureau of Prisons was created in 1930.

How many federal prisons are there?

Do to security reasons you are not allowed to know the exact number of federal prisons.

How many types of prisons are in the US?

There are at least 7 types of prisons in the United States. These are: jails, federal prisons, state prisons, rehabilitation prisons, minimum security, medium security, and maxium security prisons. Actually there are four types of prisons in the United States. Military, Juvenile, Political, and Psychiatric. Jails are considered temporary holding facilities for criminals until they can be moved and housed into a prison.

Which state has no federal prison?

Someone has already answered this question. While many states do not have federal prisons, every state has at least a federal detention center. In addition to the states answered by the other question, South Carolina does not have a civilian federal prison. But they do, however, have military prisons and other specialized federal detention centers.

What is the name of Federal Prisons in Illinois?

* Federal Correctional Institution, Grenville * Federal Correctional Institution, Pekin * Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago * United States Penitentiary, Marion.

Can women be with men in prison?

Not if they are both incarcerated. Some states/prisons have conjugal visits for married inmates.

Contrast and compare state and federal prisons?

State prisons are run by the state, criminals are placed in state prisons when the have broken only state laws. Criminals go to federally run prisons when they break federal laws.

Can you serve time in both federal and state prisons for the same crime?

No. Federal prison houses those who've commited federal crimes and state prisons house those who've committed state crimes. If someone violates both states and federal crimes, prosecutors will try to get a conviction on the federal level because it's a more severe penalty.