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Q: What states do not require a social security number for a drivers license?
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Related questions

How to obtain drivers license number by name address and social security number?

How to obtain drivers license number by name address and social security number?

Are there any states where a birth certificate is not required to get a driver's license?

Most states do not require (or even accept) a birth certificate for a drivers license. Most states require a social security number and proof of residency to obtain a drivers permit.

If you have a persons Social security number and drivers license number can you find his drivers license number?

If you have someone's Driver's License number you no longer need to find his driver's license number. Try restating the question.

What documents are you required to have when applying for car insurance in Maryland?

All insurers in MD require at least a drivers license and social security number. Individual insurers may require more.

Requirements for an Oklahoma drivers license?

Proof of identification documentsSocial security number

What documents do I need to get my drivers license in Texas?

Birth certificate and social security number.

Do employers get information from your Drivers License or social security number?

From your social, your birth date, and your address. Depends on the position if its for security clearance for example they use all information. Same thing with drivers they'll use your drivers license #. All depends on the position.

What are the requirements for getting a drivers license in NC?

The requirements for getting a drivers license in IN are certified United States birth certificate, proof of security number, and 2 proofs of residential address.

Can an illegal immigrant with a social security number renew a drivers license?

An illegal immigrant with a social security number may be able to renew a drivers license. However, there is no sure fire way to know whether or not this would work, simply because it is possible that they could get caught.

What can you do if someone has photocopies of your drivers license social security number and birth certificate?

nothing cause you suck

Can an immigrant who is out of status but still in the country get a drivers license They got a social security number when they were in status in college?


How does one get a drivers license in Utah with only tax identification number?

You can't. You will need to show your Social Security Card or proof of legal residency (such as a passport and visa) to get a drivers license in Utah.