Only two states in the U.S. allow citizens to directly vote on public issuses.
Silencers are illegal in SOME states for the general public, but only a few. See link below
Because in the USA such unions were still considered illegal conspiracies against employers. In 1935, the Natl Labor Relations Act made unions lawful in private business. SInce Congress has no power over state employment, only STATE law can allow state and local employees to unionize and negotiate contracts. States have extended and cancelled bargaining privileges - there are no "rights".
US law does not recognize a duty to collectively bargain except with the employees' union, recognized according to federal or state law. Private employees have federal statutory rights to join or form unions. But the Constitution forbids Congress from regulating state employees. Some states do not allow their employees to unionize, some allow unionization but prohibit bargaining over pay. Wisconsin proposes that its law change to allow bargaining over PAY but not pensions or work rules. That would still be collective bargaining and would violate no "right" WI state workers have ever had. There is no definition for the political term "union busting". The WI legislature has the unilateral authority to reduce state employee union's privileges, and even outlaw employee unions. Employees would then be under civil service rules and whatever pay scale the state published.
Public breastfeeding is against the law in Saudi Arabia and it is also illegal in certain states in the United States. Almost all other countries allow it freely.
Usually, no.Most States (and all regions of Canada) don't allow minors to be identified in relation to criminal proceedings, and even the media is often legally prohibited from disclosing the name of a minor accused of or convicted of a crime. Some States do allow defendants to be named regardless of age, but they are a small minority.Caveat: If a minor is being tried as an adult, most states allow the accused's name to be made public.
No. The law states Bi-Weekly for non-exmept employees and Bi-Weekly/Monthly for exempt employees for anyone working in Massachusetts. This also includes Massachusetts employees with a parent company based in another state that allows Semi-Monthly.
In most states within the United States, only one specific 'public servant' may perform a wedding, and that is the Notary Public. Some states do allow marriages to be performed also by sitting (or currently active) judges. However, most states also allow any minister of any religion and/or denomination to perform ceremonies provided they meet the individual state's qualifications.
you shoudn't do that, its disgusting.
All of them. There are state and local issues that are voted on.