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Q: What states allow non lawyer judges?
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What is a non lawyer?

a non lawyer

Which US states allow annulment for non consummation of marriage?

ALL of them.

Why do you have to be an American citezen to vote?

Because congress will not allow a non member of the united states to make a change in the country

What rights do non-smokers have?

Many states have enacted laws to protect non smokers from second hand smoke. There is a federal law that bans smoking on airplanes. There are also several states that do not allow smoking in public buildings.

What is a court made up of non-military judges?

A court made up on non-military judges is often called a tribunal. Federal judiciary courts are often called an apex.

What is a court made up of non military judges?

civilian tribunal

In the state of Massachusetts can a felony be removed off your adult record?

in some states a criminal record can be expunged after a non-criminal behavior period of time. Best talk to a lawyer, who can do the expungement...............

What non-legislative power resides in the House of Representatives?

Impeaching federal judges

How much in fees will you pay to file chapter 7?

Filing fee is $306. Pre-filing certificate for debt counseling, $50 or less and post-341 meeting certificate for financial management course, $50 or less. Legal fee to an attorney, $1,000 or more. Some states allow non-lawyer document preparation, often for $400-$900.

Who are either elected or appointed by the governor or state legislatures and are supposed to be non-partisan?


If brother-in-law dies and deeded his half to a non relative does he have to pay taxes?

You need to consult a lawyer. The rules among states vary. It also depends on how the deed was awarded, straight out, in a trust, etc..

What are the non-violent charges for a gun charge?

You need to consult with a lawyer in your state.