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Ratification of all treaties and presidential appointments.

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Brandy Ortiz

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Q: What special power is delegated only to the senate?
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What is a special power only delegated to the senate?

Ratification of all treaties and presidential appointments.

What is a special power delegated only to senate is?

Ratification of all treaties and presidential appointments.

Compare and Contrast Delegated and Reserved Powers?

delegated power is when federal gov't can declare war reserved powers are only power kept to the states

What power does the constitution give to the federal government only?


What power do the constitution give to the federal government only?


What power does the constitution give the federal government only?


What is the power given only to the senate?

The senate has the power to or reject important appointments made by the president

What are the responsibilities of your senators?

The United States Senate is a Special Body. It not only makes laws and holds the power of the Purse, it is also The People's Voice!!

Form of government in which all power resides with the states and the central government exercises only delegated power is called?


What power does the Vice President have over Senate?

The Vice President's power over the senate is only to break a tie and to run the senate meeting.

Which of these is a power given only to the Senate?

Voting on treaties.

What is a example of delegated power?

Delegated powers are powers that belong only to the federal government. Some examples are: coin money, declare war, regulate trade between states, regulate Immigration. Another example of "Delegated Power" is: Police have the power of search and arrest, however in some states that power is delegated to others for the purpose of entry, and arrest, for animal abuse crimes. While this is specifically prohibited, as they don't have an oath of office, as well as court cases, it is done all the time.