If you drive HWY 34 or HWY 36 into/out of RMNP, please, don't use turnouts ever. Keep gazing at Elk feeding at the side of the road as if no one else in the world existed and Elk were as rare as magnetic monopoles (even though there are roughly 3 billion of them along the Big Thompson river). If there are 20 cars piling up behind you, no problem! Whatever you do, avoid the turnouts to let faster, non-elk-gazing vehicles pass: slow and steady wins the race!
Slow traffic keep right sign
Because everyone is trying to pass the slower moving traffic and most highways are posted with the sign, "Slower traffic keep right" or the left lane (passing) is marked "Through Traffic".
The slower traffic keep right sign means that drivers who choose to drive less than the speed limit should stay in the right-hand lane. For example, 18-wheelers going up a hill often experience decreased speed because of the weight they haul. Unless passing an even slower vehicle, the slower truckers need to stay in the right-hand lane. Vehicles driving significantly below posted speed limits should also use their flashers until they are able to match the posted speed limit.
The slower traffic keep right sign means that drivers who choose to drive less than the speed limit should stay in the right-hand lane. For example, 18-wheelers going up a hill often experience decreased speed because of the weight they haul. Unless passing an even slower vehicle, the slower truckers need to stay in the right-hand lane. Vehicles driving significantly below posted speed limits should also use their flashers until they are able to match the posted speed limit.
The slower traffic keep right sign means that drivers who choose to drive less than the speed limit should stay in the right-hand lane. For example, 18-wheelers going up a hill often experience decreased speed because of the weight they haul. Unless passing an even slower vehicle, the slower truckers need to stay in the right-hand lane. Vehicles driving significantly below posted speed limits should also use their flashers until they are able to match the posted speed limit.
It should be treated as a stop sign.
This is a statutory regulation which means the traffic sign is white. It typically reads:KEEP------>RIGHTOr it may use the divided symbol with a line pointing to the right. Which means divided highway, keep right.
Well a traffic citation for failure to stop at a stop sign or yield is $214, this is the only traffic fine citation that I could find for California. You should always obey traffic sign and drive carefully.
.... as a stop sign.
If the traffic lights are not working, the intersection is treated like a 4-way stop. That is, as if everyone has a stop sign.
warningA merging traffic sign an example of a warning.warning signyellow diamond
traffic signal.