You should be very careful when checking the expiration date of the identity card. Also verify if the ID card has been marked as duplicate or not. Duplicate IDs could also mean that the license holder has made a request for second license, so that two people could use the license with the same number.
Check the prsons picture and see if it is the same person in front of you. You could compare the person with the picture on the ID card by looking at his eyes and nose.
Check the expiration date as it might be expired.
If at all you have a doubt about the person's identity, you might want to start asking random questions about his qualification, initial names, mother's maiden name etc. If the person is showing fake card, he will hesitate to answer your questions
well it will cause a problem because they will question why you use a fake id and that should not be done in the first place but you can try. just warning you that if you get hired and they find out you used a fake id then there's a possibllity that you will get fired
A fake ID is illegal in every circumstance .
Fake ID - film - was created in 2003-03.
The duration of Fake ID - film - is 1.43 hours.
Yes, it is illegal to have a fake ID. It is illegal to use someone else's identity, or use a fake ID card changing even the smallest of your personal statistics.
Madagascar is the hardest to fake.
there are so many fake id
Making a fake ID is illegal. If anyone tries to use a fake ID in a place that serves alcohol, they risk getting arrested.
No, "fake" is not an adverb. It is commonly used as an adjective to describe something that is not genuine or real.
If you are caught in a foreign country with a fake ID you could be prosecuted. wait, that's where you go afterward you get caught making fake id's.
It depends on where you are. In the U.S. using a fake ID is a crime. In some (and maybe all states) possession of a fake ID is a crime even if you don't use it for anything.