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Q: What should be allowed to use the roadway and not be obstructed in any way?
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What should you do when entering a roadway from a private road?

Stop before crossing the sidewalk (if any) or curb line then - look and see if any cars are coming, and then if no cars are coming, drive onto the roadway.

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A bishop in Chess can move diagonally in any direction as the path is not obstructed by another piece.

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No one should be allowed to fight in any war, on any side. That said, being gay is not a reason to disallow combat service.

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Of course you're allowed - you can fail any time you want to!

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Children should not be allowed to do any kind of hard work. It is harmful for them. They should not be allowed to watch adult materials. they should not be spoiled by anyone.

Should The driver of a vehicle shall yield right-of-way to pedistrain crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk?

True. Vehicles should always stop for pedestrians.

Should you stop the car engine when am at a stop sign?

Absolutely never turn off the engine when you are in a driving lane on any roadway. A stop sign means stop, not park.

Is it legal to hunt on government bridges?

(in the US) Although there MAY be someplace, somewhere, that this might be allowed I am not familiar with ANY state or political sub-division that (if we're talking about a highway bridge) allows hunting from a roadway. Railroad bridges are private property and no hunting is allowed there either. Therefore the answer is probably most assuredly, no.

When are bicyclist allowed to ride two abreast in a traffic lane?

p. 13-2 of Texas Driver's Handbook: #7.Persons riding two abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the roadway. Persons riding two abreast on a laned roadway must ride in a single lane.

If the road is too narrow to drive entirely to the right of the center should the driver should honk his horn upon approaching any curve where the view is obstructed within a distance of 200 feet?

True. This is an example of a good use of your horn.

Should Bibles in school be allowed?

This is 100% a matter of opinion.My opinion:People who read the bible should be allowed to Cary it anywhere they wish and read it at anytime they would be allowed time for similar personal pursuits. I do not feel that religion of any type should be forced on a person for any reason, so I should not have to listen to bible readings, be force to read the bible or any other religious text.