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Q: What role is the president using when he grants a pardon?
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General. He was promoted General-in-Chief of the Union armies in March 1864. He did not become President until 1869.

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What role is the president using when he writes treaties and established foreign policy?


What role is the president using when he performs ceremonial duties?

When the President of the United States performs ceremonial duties he is acting as the Chief of State. He is the symbolic leader of the country in this role.

When President Ford pardoned President Nixon for his role in the obstruction of justice in the Watergate scandal he was using his?

Executive powerAlternative answer:Pardon power"Now, THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9,1974."

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the role of the president is very significan for the country.

Why is Gerald Ford remembered as a president?

Gerald Ford is primarily remembered for his role as the 38th President of the United States. He became president in 1974 after Richard Nixon's resignation, and is known for his efforts to heal the nation following the Watergate scandal. Ford's pardon of Nixon was controversial but seen as an attempt to bring closure and move the country forward.

What is the role the governor of a state with prisoners and prisons in the state?

pardon, release, or commute sentences

What is the role of the president in the senate?

He oes not have a role. The vice president is President of the Senate.

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The role of the Cabinet in policy making is dependent on the President. The Cabinet's role is to advise the President. -Phillip Lorio

What is the role of the governor of the state regarding prisoners and prisons of the state?

Pardon, release or commute sentence.

What is the role of a governor of a state with regard to prisoners and prisons in the state?

Pardon, release or commute sentence.