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head of state

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Jeremy Dooley

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Q: What role does the president serve as a representative of all American people?
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What role does the president serve as a representative of all American?

head of state

The idea that the government should serve the will of the people?

Representative Government

Who works for the president?

The people that are in The West Wing serve the president.

Idea that government should serve the will of the people?

Representative Government

Who was the former US President to serve as a US Representative?

John Quincy Adams, 1831-47

Can a president serve as representative?

Yes, and it's even happened before. John Quincy Adams was a Congressman from Massachusetts after his term as President.

Who was the only American president to serve four term?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

What does re-Elected mean?

An example is when the American President is re-elected by the American voters to serve another term as President.

Do Generals in the field have to answer to the American President?

Not if they serve another country.

Who was the only African American to serve as president of the American psychological association?

Kenneth Clark

How many years can one serve as an American president?

8 years

What are the principles in the Constitution that the framers saw as a solutions to the problems of the representative government?

The principles that made the problems of representative government be solved were those that made sure we had as little of it as possible. The Senators, who would serve the longest (six years) were to be appointed by the State legislatures, not the people. The President, who would serve four years, was to be elected by the Electoral College, not the people. And the Representatives, who would serve the least time of all (two years), they and only they would be directly elected by the people. And the Supreme Court who's members would serve for life? They were to be appointed by the unelected President and confirmed by the unelected Senate. Those were the Constitutional principles that solved the problems of representative government. (Note: It wasn't all bad. Only the directly elected representatives could vote for a new tax. And much later, an amendment would pass allowing for Senators to be directly elected. The President still is not.)