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Q: What role does mr.snell the landlord take in discussions?
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Can a landlord refuse section 8 in nyMust a landlord take section 8 IN NY?

There is no obligation for a landlord to take Section 8.

How do you take on your Landlord?

Get a copy of the local landlord/tenant laws and regulations and find any that you believe the landlord is violating. Your attorney can advise you where to go from there.

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is the landlord required to take care of te landscaping before tenant moves in

If you live in a rental house who pays the plumber bill - you or the landlord?

AnswerMost rental questions can be answered by talking with your landlord. I've been in both situations. As a renter, I want the landlord to take care of everything. As a landlord, I want my renter to take some responsibility.I think a clogged drain is up to the renter to get fixed. A leaky pipe is more a landlord duty. However, if you want something more concrete, I suggest you come to an agreement with your landlord. You'll take care of any repairs that cost less than $50 and the landlord will be responsible for the bigger jobs.Max

Can the landlord take money for animals?

only if you give it to him

Does a landlord have to remove a bat from a apartment?

Sometimes it take a long-time for the landlord to take action. If I were you do what I do. I called The Critter Guy here in Canada about the Bat removal and I called my landlord to offer it and immediately he agreed to do it today. Problem solve.

Can a tenant take landlord's appliance when landlord refuses to return her deposit?

No, that would be theft. The appropriate avenue for recovering the deposit is to file a small claims suit against the landlord.

Can my landlord kick me out of my apartment anytime he wants?

If you have a lease your landlord would have to take you to court to have you kicked out of the apartment. If you are a month to month tenant then the landlord can request that you vacate with 30 days notice.

Can an apartment landlord in Texas charge fees not in lease such as paper billing and HOA fees?

It is unseemly that a landlord can charge a tenant for other than the items listed in the lease. You can pay them and take your landlord to landlord-tenant court for reimbursement, or you can approach a landlord-tenant advocacy to find the answer that you want.

Can the landlord kick you out of a commercial unit if you have not pay rent for 2 months and tell you to move out in less than a week?

Landlord has to take you to court to get you out and then it will take 30 days before you have to be out.

How do you take over a commercial lease?

You need to come into agreement with the current tenant as well as the landlord. If the landlord approves, you will sign an agreement to take over the lease from the current tenant.