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A father has no inherent rights to an unborn child. Those rights are only conferred after the birth of the child and only after legal paternity is established as outlined by state laws in New York.

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Q: What rights does a father have prior to the birth of his child in New York?
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Can you file for custody of child prior to birth?

In the US, no. You have to wait until the child is born.

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Does listing the father on the birth certificate give him rights?

IF YOU CAN PROVE YOUR THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER YES YOU DO HAVE RIGHTS... SEE AND ATTORNEY AND GET A PATERNITY TEST..... * Maybe. The biological father can file a custody petition after he establishes parentage. The problem is, that a child born in a marriage when the husband takes responsibility by signing the birth certificate legally becomes that man's child. If the husband objected to DNA testing to establish parentage the court WOULD NOT allow a paternity test. If the biological father had knowledge of the pregnancy and did nothing to intervene when the child was born, in all likelihood the court will rule that he voluntarily relinquished his parental rights and now has no legal rights to the child in question.

Can a single mother give her child up for adoption without the consent of the father if he is an illegal immigrant in the state of Kansas?

In Kansas, if the father did not begin paying child six month prior to the birth of the child, he cannot challenge an adoption. Guess how many know this?

In Tennessee would it be easier to obtain custody of a child from a prior relationship if the father of the child were to marry?

No, the determining factor in all custodial cases is what is in the best interest of the child. If the biological father was not legally married to the child's mother it would be extremely difficult for him to obtain full custodial rights regardless of his marital state.

Does a minor child have to visit dad in prison. mother is herion addict. child living with grandparents. state says father has rights. no prior relationship. only spradic sightings.?

Yes, until orders are modified.

Can you force and under age mother to consent to a DNA paternity test?

Yes, even prior to the birth of the child. In states like Kansas, the father has to beginning paying child support during the pregnancy in order to object to the child being placed up for adoption, upon birth.

If a mom signs over her rights due to defiant behaviors from the minor child is she obligated to pay child ssupport?

by "signing over rights" I persume you mean, terminating her parental rights and no, she is not obligated to pay child support, however, any accumulated back child support, or "arrears" is required to be paid, unless agreed otherwise. For this you would have had a prior order to pay support prior to the terminating of the mother's rights. When your rights to a child is terminated it is as if the child was never yours and your rights to the child, and obligation for the child are forever terminated.

Who was the president had his father die prior to his birth?

William J. Clinton

Does a man have tp pay child support if blood test were taken or he never sighed the birth certificate?

If he can prove through a paternity test that he is not the father, he needs to petition the court to stop child support and can ask that prior child support be returned to him.

If father wants to give up parental rights before child is born?

Cannot give up rights on a non-person. Child must be born first. First there has to be a human being, a live birth in order to terminate rights from it. Also, you need the consent of the Mother. If you make a baby with someone you must terminate responsibility to it with that parent. If she will not consent, make the best of it by filing for your parental rights, begin paying support before the State comes after you and enjoy your child.

In the state of pa can a man terminate his parental rights prior to birth?

no, or after see links below