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The 1st amendment to the US Constitution includes freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, right to assemble, and the right to petition. This means a citizen is free to speak their mind, free to publish whatever they please in a newspaper, magazine, etc., free to practice any religion they please, free to assemble and protest, and free to petition something if they feel it is wrong.

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Q: What rights are guaranteed to all citizens by the first amendement?
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What are the two rights that are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution of the US?

Two rights that were included were the Freedom of Speech and Jury Trials.

American citizens' right to free speech is guaranteed by?

It is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

What rights are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution of the US?

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to petition, freedom to assemble,

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The 1st Amendment.

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The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the rights to religion, speech and press. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution.

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The important rights that were guaranteed to all American citizens was 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' Thomas Jefferson, and the other Founding Fathers, believed the colonists had been denied those rights by King George and the Parliament necessitating an announcement of their intention to end their relationship with Britain.

Guaranteed individual rights?

The First Amendment of the U.S constitution.

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The first ten amendments, better known as the Bill of Rights, guaranteed basic rights to citizens and allowed for the passing of the United States Constitution. It would not have been ratified were it not for the agreement to pass these bills at roughly the same time, due to the anti-federalist's fear of a strong federal government.

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They are refered to as citizens of the first class.

Name the two rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

One right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is freedom of speech, found in the First Amendment. Another is the right to keep and bear arms, found in the Second Amendment.

What document first guaranteed the freedom of the press in Virginia?

Bill Of Rights

What is the bill of rigts?

It is the first ten Amendments to the Constitution of the US.