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right to remain silent

Added: The right to an attorney's presence during questioning - the right to a jury trial .

The right to a speedy trial

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trial by jury

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Q: What right does the constitution guarantee anybody who has committed a crime?
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The constitution guarantees anybody who has committed a crime the right of what?

to party hard

What is one crime actually committed by the constitution?


What are the inalienable rights people are born with?

The ones that the Constitution states and in the amendments. That is why they are "inalienable rights" meaning that every person has them from the day that they were born and anybody who takes them away have committed a federal crime.

Is skateboarding a crime?

no, it is not a crime. i dont know anybody areested for skateboarding

Only crime defined by constitution?

That crime would be treason.

What is incendiary crime?

a crime committed involving fire

Can a non citizen marry a citizen and become legal even though he committed a crime and is on ins watch?

depends what crime - and when crime committed.

What is the crime site?

It is the place where the crime or alleged crime was believed to have been committed.

Can you be charged for the same crime in Indiana and Illinois?

If you committed the same offense, seperately, in each state, you can be charged with each separate crime. You cannot be tried in IL for a crime committed in IN, and conversely, you cannot be tried in IN for a crime committed in IL.

How is a perpetrator of a crime different to a suspect?

The perpetrator of a crime is the person who actually committed the crime. A suspect may or may not have committed the crime. A suspect has not been confirmed as being the perpetrator.

What does nature of the crime mean?

It means the type of crime committed.

What is teen crime?

Any crime committed by a juvenile or "teen"