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The Catholic church, amongst others.

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Q: What religious group was against capital punishment?
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What is CACP?

The CACP is the group known as Catholics Against Capital Punishment. Their mission is to do away with the death penalty for criminals that have been convicted of heinous crimes. It was established in 2011.

The earliest known protest against slavery came from?

a religious group

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The Catholic Chrurch

Why were these group discriminated against Muslims?

Because Muslims have different religious believes comparing to the Jews.

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Jews, no question. The haulocast was some pretty serious stuff.

What is it called when you discriminate against religion?

Discrimination against religion is called religious discrimination. It involves treating individuals unfairly or unfavorably due to their religious beliefs, practices, or affiliations. It is illegal in many countries and is considered a violation of human rights.

Who were the first religious group to speak out against slavery?

The Quakers were among the first religious groups to speak out against slavery in the United States. They actively campaigned against the institution of slavery and were instrumental in the abolitionist movement.

Are people nowadays prejudiced against Jews?

You name any ethnic or religious group, and there is a different group who hates them. Yes, anti-Semitism is unfortunately alive and well.

What is a protestant group?

In the same category as Catholic's, Jewish, Shinto, etc. Protestant's are a religious group. Originally formed as "Protesting...against the religion at that time" in that particular region.

What religious group feels discriminated against in Northern Ireland?

Catholics felt discriminated against in Northern Ireland in the past, though that is not so much the case nowadays.

What is a religious group?

A religious group can be called a sect. A religious group can also be called a congregation when all attend the same church. A religious group might have more than one sect, or group of individuals, like the Amish.

Which religious group became a political group in western Europe?

The first religious group to become political activist (although not a political party as such) were the Calvinists in what later became the Dutch Republic., rising against their Catholic Spanish King and gaining independence after an eighty year-long war.