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Q: What qualifies an adopted child to receive benefits?
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Can a child with diabetes receive social security benefits

How is a child eligible for social security benefits?

A minor child may receive benefits if a parent has passed away. They may also receive benefits if they have a disability.

Does an adoptive child still get their SSI benefits?

I think you mean "adopted child" and the answer is, yes.

Is there any way that my child can receive social security benefits from her father?

Minor children (under 18) are eligible for SS survivor benefits upon the death of a parent whose work history qualifies themin accordance withSS regulations. If a livingnon custodialparent is receiving SS benefits of any sort thosebenefits are subject to garnishment for child support obligations.

Can a adopted child receive from his dead farthers will?

Yes. If you are a biological child you have every right to claim on the will.

Can a adopted child receive their birth parents social security?

are u that stupid? your child can take it!

Will my child still receive ssdi child support if he gets adopted?

Not from the parent that is losing parental rights.

Can a foreign born child receive an Hawaiian Birth Certificate?

Yes, a child that is legally adopted in the state of Hawaii can receive an Hawaiian Birth Certificate.

Can a foster carer receive any benefits if they do not have a child in placement?


Can a child get benefits from a deceased parent that the court terminated his parental rights?

You added this to the Adoption category and when adopted the child belongs to the adopted family and gets nothing from the birth family. They only gets benefits and inherit the adoptive family.

In the state of NJ if a father relinquishes his rights can the mother still receive child support for the child?

yes, unless the child is adopted

What can be expected from a spouse when you have adopted a child and receive a stipend?

When a couple has adopted a child together, each spouse is responsible for the upkeep of the child as if it were a biological child. In the case of a divorce, the non-custodial parent would have to pay child support.