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The purpose of a grand jury in any case is to determine whether or not there is enough evidence to bring the case to trial. In a felony case a grand jury serves to check the amount of evidence in a case.

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11y ago

A Grand Jury is a closed session with just the jurors and the district attorney. Law enforcement (i.e. detective, police officers, sheriff's deputies, etc.) present their information to the Grand Jury. They simple just have to state who the offender is, and why they believe this person has committed the crime. The Jury then, one at a time, votes whether they believe the information being presented constitutes that person being charged. Typically then the district attorney decides whether to issue a warrant or a subpoena for that individual (if the grand jury finds reason to indict the person on the charges).

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GJ evaluates evidence in the case to see if it warrants prosecution

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The purpose of a grand jury is to make sure that the prosecution has enough evidence to show reasonable cause and that the evidence in question is relevant to move into trial.

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Q: What purpose does a grand jury or preliminary hearing serve in adjudicating felony offenses?
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What purpose does a grand jury or preliminary hearing serve?

Depending on the state you are in (some use the Grand Jury System and others use the Preliminary Hearing system) it is the hearing at which the defendant is formally charged with the offense he was arrested for.

What is a preliminary hearing for?

In the context of criminal law, a preliminary hearing is used to determine whether probable cause exists to believe that the offense charged has been committed by the defendant. The hearing officer considers the evidence and reaches a decision on the issue of probable cause. Procedures vary by state, so local law should be consulted.

If you are out of jail on bond can you go to jail at the preliminary hearing?

Yes, it is possible to go back to jail after a preliminary hearing if the judge determines that there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial. The purpose of a preliminary hearing is to establish if there is probable cause to believe a crime was committed and that the accused is responsible. If the judge finds sufficient evidence, they may revoke the bond and order the accused to be taken into custody pending the trial.

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What is preamable? Preamable is an introductory statement or preliminary explanation.

How long after a prelimenary hearing before you get indicted?

If the jurisdiction in question adheres to the Grand Jury system of indictment, the GJ will indict by handing down a "true bill" in the sequence in which it was presented to them. HOWEVER - if the jurisdictions NOT utilizing a Grand Jury system, your Preliminary Hearing IS your idndictiment and the presiding judge decides if there is enough Probable Cause to bind you over for trial.

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