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The process is impeachment by the House of Representatives followed by a trial and conviction by the US Senate. People often think of impeachment as being the entire process.

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Section 4 of the 25th amendment. Section 4 of the 25th amendment.

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Q: What process can be used to remove the President from office?
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What process can be used to remove the president from office for committing crime?

impeachment or conviction.

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President Jefferson used new presidential powers.

What is the formal term used when an attempt is made to remove a president of the US?

The formal term used when an attempt is made to remove a president of the United States is "impeachment." Impeachment is the process by which a sitting president can be charged with "high crimes and misdemeanors" by the House of Representatives. If a president is impeached by the House, the Senate conducts a trial to determine whether the president should be removed from office.

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The president nominates a new candidate who must then be approved by congress. It's essentially the same process that's used to select cabinet members.

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The Oval Office is a room that is located in the West Wing of the White House. It is used to conduct official presidential business such as signing bills and laws.

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Can California Supreme Court justices be impeached?

Yes, state legislatures follow a process similar to the one used by Congress to impeach public officials and remove them from office.

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recall election

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The process used to remove salt from seawater is called desalination. This process helps to produce freshwater for drinking and irrigation purposes.

What is a word used to refer to term or tenure of a president in office?

The answer is commission.