The Eighteenth Amendment was ratified on on the 16th of January in the year 1919. The amendment went into effect one year later on the 16th of January, 1920, and was later repealed by the 21st Amendment on December 5, 1933. In the 230 plus years of the U.S. Constitution, the 18th is the only Amendment ever to have been repealed. The 18th Amendment was repealed because did not solve any problems people thought it would. This Amendment banned the sale and consumption of alcohol. People thought banning it would end bad social problems, such as crime and poverty. The Amendment had the opposite effect. Crime and poverty increased and government spending increased to try to enforce it. So repealing the 18th Amendment lowered government spending.
No, Always try to talk problems out.
try to solve problems
She tried to solve what people thought of women
By staying in jail
By nationalising everything.
extreme war debt
the 18th amendment is not important anymore because its gone the reason for is the 21 amenment The 18th amendment is the only time that the US Constitution has ever been amended to reduce the rights of citizens.
by forming organizations, lobbying Congress, and acting collectively
Try and take up a new hobbie like soccer or Pottery.