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There are many differences. In the Senate two seats of representation are given to each state totaling 100 senators. In the House of Representatives, representation is based off of the population of each state taken every ten years at the census. In impeachment cases, the House of Representatives impeaches the person and the Senate holds the trial.

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Coby Schumm

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2y ago
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13y ago

The Senate and the House of Representatives are both in the Congress but the House of Representatives has states's representation based on population while the Senate has an equal number of representatives per state (2 I think). I hope I answered your question

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9y ago

The special powers granted to the Senate include the ability to ratify treaties with a two thirds majority vote, to confirm federal appointments, to try impeachment cases, and to elect a vice president when there is a tie in an electoral college. The special powers granted to the House of Representatives include the ability to consider all money bills first, to bring about an impeachment, and to choose a vice president in the event of a tie within the electoral college.

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12y ago

so that not only the one has complete power

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Q: What powers are given to the Senate and not the House of Representatives?
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The legislative powers of the government are given to this body which consists of a senate and a house of representatives?

The Senate and the House of Representatives together make up the Congress of the US.

Who has been given all legislative or law-making powers?

Congress. The senate and the house of representatives.

What are powers given to only the senate?

Approval of major presidential appointments.

What is the name given to the senate and house of representatives?

It is the Congress. The congress is divided into two sections, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

What is the name usually given to the legislative branch?

Congress -- made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives

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Yes, the bill will go to the House of Representatives if it is approved by the committee and has survived a Senate vote.

what branch of government has been given the power to impeach the president of the US?

The legislative branch holds the powers of impeachment of the President. The House of Representatives is tasked with bringing forth charges. The Senate is tasked with holding the trial of impeachment.

Which branch of government has 535 members?

Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The senate has 100 members - 2 from each state. The House of Representatives has 435 total members based on the population in any given state.

What is the different between the senate and house of representatives?

There are many differences. In the Senate two seats of representation are given to each state totaling 100 senators. In the House of Representatives, representation is based off of the population of each state taken every ten years at the census. In impeachment cases, the House of Representatives impeaches the person and the Senate holds the trial.

What is the difference between the House of Representatives and the senate?

There are many differences. In the Senate two seats of representation are given to each state totaling 100 senators. In the House of Representatives, representation is based off of the population of each state taken every ten years at the census. In impeachment cases, the House of Representatives impeaches the person and the Senate holds the trial.

Which office does the senate not have the power to confirm candidates?

The House of Representatives is the part of Congress that does not have the power to confirm candidates. The Senate is given the power through the Constitution.

What is the title given to members of the house of representatives?

Members of the House of Representatives are called Representatives. Each state has a certain amount of Representatives in Washington, DC.