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If it is less than 100% it is illegal.

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Q: What percentage of fat must butter have by law?
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Why does the government want a fat tax?

Under the new law, saturated fat will get taxed about $1 per pound. By taxing saturdated fat they will be target unhealthy foods such as butter, hamburgers, and other cooking oils.

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What did Mrs.Margarine think about her sister's husband?

Hes a terrific butterinlaw

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The law specifies that credit contracts must include the total cost of the loan, the finance charge over the life of the loan, the Annual Percentage Rate, the schedule of payments and the amount to be financed.

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In the UK it's the law, every motorcyclist must wear an approved helmet and tie up the chin strap.

What did margarine think about her sister's husband?

Answer is : He is a terrific butter in law

What Did Mrs Margarine Think About Her Sister's Husband?

Answer is : He is a terrific butter in law

Qualification for senators?

It must have a degree in law

Federal law requires that low-fat and non-fat milk be fortified with what?

With Vitamin A

Who motivated you to study law?

Your big fat mama did.

Does reese cups have pork in them?

No. Reece cups are chocolate and peanut butter. By law, ingredients must be listed, and there are no animal products in the confection it is by law but there is so many loop holes that they can put in anything and call it natural flavor, for example i bet not many of you knew Doritos and Cheetos contain pork.