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Many legal consequences can occur for the offense of perjury. "Perjury" can be generally defined as lying under oath, and is usually discussed in relation to the judicial process, but can refer to any lying while under oath (e.g. before Congress). To determine the possible consequences, you must first determine: 1) What laws govern perjury in your nation/state or province/jurisdiction? 2) What are the possible sentences a judge can issue if you are convicted of perjury? 3) Do you have a legal status that can be affected by a perjury conviction? In the United States, perjury is a crime, but possible sentences vary by jurisdiction and each individual judge may vary widely within the framework provided by that jurisdiction's statute (law). Sentences may include imprisonment, probation, community service, and/or fines. If you are on probation or parole, or are not a citizen, the sentence could include revocation of probation or parole, and deportation. Furthermore, convictions for non-juvenile offenders become part of your permanent record, and may adversely affect your employment and your ability to testify again without being "impeached" (made to seem untruthful) by the examination of your record. So don't lie!

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Q: What legally happens to you if you commit perjury?
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You can be convicted of perjury, which is lying to the courts. Consult a lawyer.

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Yes, it is illegal to confess to a crime you did not commit. You can be charged with perjury, false statements and obstructing an investigation.

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No. Perjury is defined as "the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation." Meaning to commit perjury you must be under oath in a court of law.

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I think it is Perjury! Perjury is the intentional act of swearing a false oath or telling lies in a court of law. Basically, a President committing perjury is likely to be impeached and removed from office.

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No, it is illegal to commit perjury by providing false information while under oath to the court clerk or any other legal authority. Perjury is considered a serious offense and can result in legal consequences. It is important to always provide truthful and accurate information when dealing with the legal system.

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