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Q: What legal rights and things can you do when you turn 18 such as buying lottery tickets cigarettes?
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What are 18 year olds rights as a US citizen?

Rights you get when you turn 18: · The right to vote. · You can buy cigarettes and chewing tobacco. · Buy/rent porn. · Be drafted in the military. · You can buy lottery tickets. · You're considered a legal adult. & more.

Do season ticket holders get rights to away playoff games?

No they do not because the season ticket holders of the home team gets tickets and the other seats are just for sale. In the Super Bowl the away team's season ticket holders may get right to tickets, if they purchased their teams home playoff game tickets, if they had any home games, they will be entered in a lottery. Each team in the Super Bowl gets 17.5% of the tickets. If you win the lottery for the tickets through your season tickets, you get half the seats you have for your season tickets, I believe, so if you have 4 season tickets and you win the lottery, you get 2 Super Bowl tickets.

Do season ticket holders get rights to the Super Bowl?

Yes, they get first pick to nuy world series tickets for the team they have season tickets for.

What are your legal rights when you turn 18?

It depends on the state, in VA, you can buy cigarettes/fireworks/guns/pornagraphy/lottery ticket, you are allowed to carry but not consume alcohol, you may drive with as many people as you want in your car, you may vote

Does the buyer have any rights when buying a used car?

Yes, you have all the rights listed on the contract when buying a used car.

What are a widow's rights over a New York State Lottery winner's remaining payments?

If all of the deceased assets are left to the widow, she retains the rights to the winnings.

What are your consumer rights when buying a bottle of pop which turns out to be out of date?

Stop buying it and informing the person who is in responsible.

Can you sell season tickets rights for Denver Broncos to a friend?

No, Legal Copyright and all that. ;(

What legal rights do I have when buying a used car?

What ever you can get in writing from the owner.

Where can one find information on smoking cigarettes?

Smoking cigarettes is proven to be bad for one's health. There are a number of websites set up to explain why, such as the pages on the NHS website. There are also websites such as FOREST which campaign for smokers' rights.

What rights do the elderly have when buying a car?

The same rights as anyone else. You don't stop being a person because you have passed a certain age.

Where do nba players money come from?

- mostly sponsors - also tickets sold to watch the game - tv/radio rights - ...