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The Poll Tax was abolished by the 24th Amendment to the U.S Constitution.

The Poll Tax was a tax that citizens paid prior to voting. Often, the tax was used to prevent to the poor from voting, as they could not afford the tax.

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Related questions

What is the cause of poll tax?

The cause of the poll tax was to keep poor and minority people from voting. The laws were eliminated by the 15th Amendment to the Constitution.

Are poll taxes legal?

A poll tax is illegal because it prevents minorities from voting.

What is the cause of taxes?

The cause of the poll tax was to keep poor and minority people from voting. The laws were eliminated by the 15th Amendment to the Constitution.

Are poll tax legal in all federal elections?

no,amendment #24 bans them(:D

What tax was outlawed by the 24th amendment?

the Poll tax

What is a tax on voters?

In the constitution, Tax on voters is called Poll tax

Money paid in order to vote?

Money paid in order to vote was called a poll tax. This money was supposedly to prove that you were a legal citizen. In actuality the poll tax was instituted to keep newly freed slaves from being able to vote. This is no longer legal.

What kind of tax is a poll tax?

A Poll tax is a direct tax. A poll tax, head tax, or capitation is a tax of a uniform, fixed amount per individual (as opposed to a percentage of income).

What term refers to a tax that people have to pay before being allowed to vote?

A fixed tax to be paid before a person could vote was and is called a poll tax. Because it is a fixed amount per person, it could also be called a Head Tax.

What is poll tax?

The poll tax, a capital tax levied equally on every adult in the community.

Who made poll tax?

Benjamin Franklin was the first who had started the poll tax

When did Poll Tax Riots happen?

Poll Tax Riots happened in 1990.