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Quite a bit. For information on US copyright laws, visit the website of the Copyright Office. For other countries, the WIPO website is a good place to start.

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13y ago

In the US, Title 17.

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Q: What laws governs copyright?
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Drugs and other pharmaceuticals are protected under the patent laws not under the copyright laws.

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Copying, altering, distributing, or performing/displaying a work for which you are not the copyright holder, and for which you do not have permission from the rightsholder or an exemption in the law, is a violation of copyright laws.

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Everything written or recorded since 1923 is affected by copyright laws.

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Copyright is a federal law which would be valid in California.

Can an address be protected under copyright or trademark laws?

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Software license and copyright laws vary by state and type. Most laws state that software can only be used by authorized people. Copyright laws also state that only authorized individuals can use the image or writing.

Is i wish you love by arthur wyman under copyright laws?

Not particularly strict; it's under the same copyright laws as anything else.