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Check your local Penal Codes or local laws for they can be very involved and complex, but, every state in the US, and most other countries, have laws and ordinances in place to protect the rights of Animals. Check under "Zionisms Laws", this might make it easier to find the specific laws for your area.

The "ASPCA" can help with almost any type, or level of problem that animals may face, or they know where, or what organizations to recommend you seek additional help from if they aren't equipped to lend assistance. If your looking for international regulations, many times finding out if a country is a member of "CITES" will help determine what type of laws, regulations and protection they afford animals. There is the listing of the state, or local programs for Animal and Health Disease Control for Texas. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

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Q: What laws exist to protect the welfare and rights of animals?
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John Locke outlined three natural rights in his philosophy: life, liberty, and property. These rights are considered inherent and inalienable to all individuals and form the basis for his argument that governments exist to protect these rights.

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There exist many differences. The most important being that the fundamental rights can be enforced by a court of law (against the state), while Directive Principles are not. Fundamental rights are inalienabe rights, whereas Directive Principles are aimed at securing welfare, which are more like constitutional guidelines.

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Care in the community Private sector Voluntary sector Informal welfare (the family)

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Aquatic and marsh animals do not exist in deserts .

Do zoos exploit animals and violate animal rights or do they help protect animals?

yea the animals have to be free and not be confined to cages they try simulate nature but not the space animals need space NO, animals do not have rights. We are doing things against their will but not against their non-existant rights. It would be foolish to assume that animals are the same as humans as we are clearly different. Besides animals inflict pain on others all the time, we are not exempt unless you can prove we are not animals. All animals have the will to live but not the rights, or else there would never be carnivores. Rights are a purely human concept, it does not exist naturally, if humans were not present there would be no rights. IT is up to people to decide on what rights are. And I'm sure animals feel pain and emotions, evolutionally it probably helped them survive, but this a matter of opinion If i was taught dogs liked being kicked and that it was the right thing to do i would be doing it right now and it would be the right thing. What if an animal loved to be hurt, humans have BDSM and it can be assumed that some animals also do. How can a person decide for the animal? Animals rights do not benefit humans in any way, rather it harms humans that depend on animals, maybe not you but what about the poor, hungry, or farmer? I rather have people love me than animals as people can judge and comment on my morality.

Why does peta exist?

Peta is People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. So, pretty much do a lot of things. They are against animal cruelty and even have a number you can call if it's an animal emergency, they have recipes to help you become vegan or vegetarian, they also have video proof of the torture done to animals. So they exist for rights of animals.

According to Locke what must exist before a government is legitimate?

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The government passes laws to protect the rights of its citizens a.anarchism b.pluralism c.totalitarianism?

In pluralist political systems Governments will often pass laws to protect the rights of their citizens. In a perfect anarchist utopia, it is arguable that Government will not exist so it is slightly difficult to choose b. However, in practice, anarchists have been strong supportors of rights such as free speech. In totalitarian societies governments may pass laws claiming to protect the rights of citizens. However in practice those rights won't be extended in a way which allows citizens to challenge the Government's power base.

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Employment rights exist because employees banded together in groups called unions and pressured employers and lawmakers for more rights.