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Three of the duties required of U.S. citizens are: obey all federal, local, and state laws; pay income and other taxes honestly; serve on a jury when called to do so.

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No speeding paying taxes etc.

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Q: What kinds of laws do the US people have to follow?
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What laws does people with disability not have to follow?

none people with disabilities have to follow the same laws as us normals yet if they hit someone they get a warning from the cops an they have a worker with them all the time to prevent bad diocesans

Can you by a gun in every single state of the US?

Provided you follow the laws, yes.

Do all US officials have to support the Constitution and obey laws?

Yes they do. It is our government and they have to follow it.

What is one promise you make when you become a united state. Citizen?

To follow the laws of the US.

What are our US laws based on?

the collective beliefs of the people who make the laws.

What kinds of jobs do people in Ireland have?

they have the same jobs as the US

What kinds of people commonly us methamphetamine?

people that don't think they have much to live for

How do federal state and local governments determine what kinds of laws each can enact?

The US Constitution provides this in the 10th amendment.

What happens if you dont follow a law?

It depends on which law you don't follow. If you break criminal laws, you may be arrested and charged criminally. If you break traffic laws, you may be cited and fined. If you don't follow civil laws, you may be sued.

Can you ship a hunting rifle overseas?

Yes, provided you follow all laws of the US and the country being shipped to.

Citizens of Ohio must abide by the rules and laws in their state constitution. They also have to follow the rules and laws in the US Constitution. Why is this?

The U.S. Constitution is the highest authority in the country.

What kinds of laws must conform to the US Constitution?

Constitutional Laws (Body of law derived from a country's written constitution. It lays down and guides the duties and powers of the government) (US is the body of law governing the interpretation and implementation)