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Insecure wannabes. Normally that consist of rich kids whose parents do not give them enough attention or kids suffering in poverty whose being raised by one parent and just looking for a figure to look up to. Gangs are excuses to live your life wrong, its a pathetic way to justify your sins.

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Q: What kind of people are in gangs?
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Can caucasian people join street gangs?

Yes, Caucasian people can join street gangs.

Why do they do gangs?

Some people form gangs because they were hurt or made fun of themselves.

Is Grand Theft Auto about gangs?

kind of.Depends on which game.

Do people join gangs because they've always wondered about it?

knoe people join gangs because they want to be cool

How many people like gangs?

there are about 200,000 people like gangs but they dont do it so they dont get in trobele there smart arnt they

Are gangs good people?

Some are

Are gangs like bullies?

Bullying is an act of doing something not a gang but gangs can bully people.

What do people mean by a gang?

Well..... Gangs are loads of people that hangs around with each other! And some gangs are bad and naughty and some gangs are nice and polite to others and there are some BIG bullies in gangs too which ain't a good thing! :(

What gangs are in Missouri?

Mainly Folk & People Nation gangs, as well as some Blood Alliance & Crip Alliance gangs.

What kind of trouble do gangs get into?

Drugs, robbery, rape, killings, fights

What are gang buffs?

people fascinated by gangs

Why do people in gangs bully?

Because their black!