A certificate is a KIND of document. Document is the broader or more inclusive term. A birth certificate is a kind of document. A will is a kind of document. A research paper is a kind of document. A passport is a kind of document.
The Constitution gives the exact method in which presidential elections are to take place. This has, however, changed since the founding (though constitutional amendment). You really should just read the constitution. It will only take a few hours, and it's kind of important.
The Articles of Confederation was the first form of National Government For the independent states.
The French people wanted a constitution that would provide them with rights and government involvement.
An articles of incorporation is a document which, along with the memorandum of association, forms the constitution of a company, defines the responsibilities of the directors, and the kind of business which is to be undertaken.
Deadly ones.
It's the Magna Carta you idiot. Latin for Great Charter. The Magna Carter was the first document that documented the rights of citizens of a country. That country was England and the document was signed by King John is 1215. It is the basis for every document of its kind that followed, including the US Constitution.
written constitution
Not all countries have human rights in law. Those that do, don't necessarily have them in the same kind of document.
The author of the U.S. Constitution is generally considered to be James Madison. He played a key role in drafting the document and is often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution."
"Document" is a singular, common, concrete noun.
A draft is an early effort at writing a document. The writer(s) read it over and make corrections and improvements, and they have another draft. When they can't find any way to improve a draft, it becomes the final document. That goes for constitutions, books, letters, instruction pamphlets, or any other kind of document.