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If someone wants to vacate a restraining order it means to not have it exist anymore.

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Q: What is vacate restraining order or execution?
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You and your spouse are separated. How can you keep them from re-entering the home.?

Request a restraining order or vacate order if appropriate.

How can you make a spouse leave a the home due to verbal abuse when there name is not on the mortgage?

You would need to request a restraining order including an order to vacate the home. You should consult with an advocate at your local family court or with an attorney.You would need to request a restraining order including an order to vacate the home. You should consult with an advocate at your local family court or with an attorney.You would need to request a restraining order including an order to vacate the home. You should consult with an advocate at your local family court or with an attorney.You would need to request a restraining order including an order to vacate the home. You should consult with an advocate at your local family court or with an attorney.

Can a spouse and her children from a prior marriage be forced to vacate a home if that spouse's name is not on the deed after a restraining order is served to that spouse?

The spouse can, but not the children.

How can you remove a relative from a home but is on the deed?

If the relative is "on the deed" they have the right to the use and possession of the property as an owner. You can't "remove" them. If this is a domestic matter, you can apply for a restraining order and a judge could order the person to vacate the premises.

What does PRO mean in a restraining order?

Permanent Restraining Order

Can you cancel an existing restraining order?

can you cancel a restraining order?

What do you call it when someone can't come near you by law?

A Restraining Order.

What is a dov restraining order?

I think you mean a DV restraining order: It is a domestic violence restraining order. It is a court order that can help protect people from abuse.

How to get a restraining order vacated. My neighhas a Restraining Order against me and keeps calling the police and draging me into court went to court yesterday judge told her this is a frivolous RO?

File your own motion with the court requesting a hearing on this matter. Present YOUR side of the story including ALL the documentation you have on your side of the argument. If the judge finds your side of the story persuasive he could very well vacate the order.

What does 'order to vacate dispositional hearing?

It means that whatever was decided at, or about, the 'dispositional hearing' was declared null and void by the 'order to vacate.'

How does one appeal a temporary restraining order?

If you filed the restraining order, you can withdraw it. You must go back to the court where you filed the restraining order and ask that it be dropped.

Can a twelve year old get a restraining order from their dad?

yes a restraining order can be put on anyone as loing as they have evidence that the restraining or is needed