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Q: What is type 3 survivorship?
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Type 2 survivorship curve?

A type 2 survivorship curve implies a roughly constant mortality rate across all age groups of the species.

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type 1 is what it seems like but its type 2

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A survivorship exempt deed is a deed that conveys property in the names of multiple people. This type of deed is exempt from tax reassessment.

What type of survivorship curve does cheetah exhibit?

Cheetahs exhibit a Type III survivorship curve. This means that they have a high mortality rate among the young, but those that survive their early years have a higher chance of living longer.

What type would a frog in a survivorship curve?

Type 3. Frogs are defenseless at a young age and often die, but survive later in life because of experience.

What is the Survivorship curve of a chimpanzee?

Chimpanzees are Type I organisms, and have cucarachas in thier pants.

What is a survivorship curve?

A survivorship curve is a graph that shows the pattern of survival in a population over time. It plots the proportion of individuals surviving at each age in the population. There are three main types of survivorship curves: Type I, Type II, and Type III, which represent different patterns of survival.