a government where a person has unlimited authority over others, related to autocrat and autocracy
An autocratic is like a mean person about to bully you for no reason
working by itself examples: * automatic * autocratic * autocracy * autonomous, autonomy
An autocratic and tyrannical ruler is 'Despotic' from the Greek word Despotikos
An autocratic and tyrannical ruler is 'Despotic' from the Greek word Despotikos
autocratic, fascistic
"in " can have many meanings. It can be "hinein" if its supposed to mean that something moves inside of something. If its supposed to mean that something is really popular its also "in" in German.
He is an Autocratic leader!
If "lest" was supposed to mean least, then the answer is minimum.
Mecca is the place to which every Muslim is supposed to make a pilgrimage.
iraq is an autocratic country
The word routenplaner is mispelled. It is supposed to be routine planner, I believe. Which is come to mean that someone who does planning for someone is called a routine planner.
im not sure but i think you mean four letter word