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Checks and balances

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Q: What is the system of limiting the power of the three branches of the federal government called?
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The relationship between the branches of government may take two basic forms which are called?

Federal and confederal

What Canada's branches of government called?

Canada has three branches of government: Executive, Legislative & Judicial.

The bill of rights establishes three branches of government?

No. The Bill of Rights is part of the US Constitution that spells out the individual rights and protections of US citizens. The part of the US Constitution that describes how the Federal Government "operates" and describes the 3 branches of the Federal Government is contained in the part of the Constitution called the "Articles".

Businesses the federal government runs are called...?

Businesses the federal government runs are called government corporations.

What are the three different branches of government called?

The branches of government are called branches due to the way the flow of power is generally diagrammed. We, the people, the the source or root of the power and we empower the government in three main ways. Those are the branches.

How does federalism fragment government power in the US?

Federalism is another term for the US as a republic. The Federal government is divided into three main branches, the legislative, executive and judicial branches. This so-called fragmentation was planned to prevent one branch to gain too much power over the other branches.

how many branches of government did the virginia plan have?

Three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Which is the legislative branch of the federal government called?

The legislative branch of the federal government is called the Congress.

What type of government is a government where the executive and legislative branches are separate and equal?

A government in which the executive and legislative branches are separated and coequal is called?

Why is the federal bureaucracy called the fourth branch of government?

Because they combine legislative, executive, and judicial functions.

What are the limitsthat r imposed on all branches by giving each right to amend acts of the other branches is called?

I believe the answer is: Checks and balances. Your welcome

What branches of government does Romania have?

These branches are called ministeries; for a list see the link below.