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That the chance of killing someone that is truly innocent is too great.

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Q: What is the strongest against argument for capital punishment?
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Related questions

What is the value of capital punishment?

Since I am against capital punishment, I don't see that it has any value.

What has the author Gardner C Hanks written?

Gardner C. Hanks has written: 'Against the death penalty' -- subject(s): Capital punishment, Christianity, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Capital punishment 'Capital Punishment and the Bible' -- subject(s): Biblical teaching, Capital punishment, Christianity, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Capital punishment

Argument for the death penalty?

Capital punishment, or the death penalty, can serve as a warning to deter people from committing heinous crimes. It probably does dissuade some people from murdering, but not in every case. Some people see all forms of capital punishment as inhumane, while some think that some are more humane than others. It can provide closure to the grieving families of murder victims, but it causes further agony for the innocent families of the perpetrator.

What religious group was against capital punishment?

The Catholic church, amongst others.

Why should people used their tax money for capital punishment?

The citizens of the individual states vote for or against capital punishment. Death penalty or life without parole, both are payed for by taxpayers.

Why capital punishment is abolished in pk?

Capital punishment has not been abolished as yet. It is on hold. The current PPP government does not want to execute anyone through capital punishment during its tenure. This is a way of protesting against the (supposedly) unlawful execution of their ex-chief Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

What is Austria doing on capital punishment?

Austria doesn't have capital punishment.

What constitutes Capital Punishment in your society?

in the USA capital punishment is DEATH

Is revenge justification for capital punishment?

no revenge is not justification for capital punishment

Is capital punishment a belief?

Capital punishment is a belief and an actuality. It is not a universal belief or a universal actuality; the belief in capital punishment is only held by some people and capital punishment is practiced only in some places.

Is capital punishment practice in Fiji?

No. Capital Punishment is not tolerated or practised in Fiji.

When was Capital Punishment Organization created?

Capital Punishment Organization was created in 1989.