Under the Limitation Act of 1980, "If the Council Tax was due more than 6 years ago then the council are unable to ask the Court for a Liability Order (a liability order allows the council to deduct the Council Tax debt from your wages or benefits). However, it is unlikely that the council will have allowed this to happen, and they will usually have obtained a Liability Order before the 6 years are up."
My understanding it 5 years
There are no statute of limitations on any crime in the UK, if there is enough evidence to secure a conviction and it is in the 'public interest' the Crown Prosecution Service has a duty to prepare a case.
In the UK, councils have the legal right to pursue unpaid council tax debts for up to six years. After this period, the debt becomes 'statute-barred' and the council cannot take legal action to recover it. However, councils can still contact individuals to request payment, but they cannot compel payment through legal means.
what is the property Band for our bed rooms in Becondale State in Lambeth
you mum likes it up here u know what
Yes, but you have to pay all of it in advance in April if you choose not to pay it in 10 instalments.
Normally the case should be presented within 6 months, but the law is really complex, so it will be best to consult a qualified solicitor in your area.
UK Film Council was created in 2000.
UK Film Council ended in 2010.
You can find current Council Tax prices for properties in Band C from the official UK Government site. You may also be able to give them a phone call to request a copy of this information.
Band A is the lowest band of UK Council Tax- in England is is a maximum of £40,000, in Wales a maximum of £44,000. In Scotland the Tax is set by the Scottish Assessors Authority, but is within a similar bracket to the above.
Council Tax is assessed and collected by local councils.HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) administers, assesses and collects taxes such as - Value Added Tax, Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Stamp Duty, Landfill Tax, Inheritance Tax and Excise duties.