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the only crime that holds a statute other than 7 years is murder. so, 7 years.

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17y ago
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14y ago

It depends (1) what state you are asking about? (2) What was the value of the property? Felony or Misdemeanor? (3) Are you still within the state or have you fled?

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13y ago

The standard limit on Federal crimes is set at 5 years.But there are many exceptions and extensions available. You need to consult an attorney that specializes in Federal law for specifics.

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11y ago

Most jurisdictions have a statute of limitations for theft. If it is a felony, there may not be a limit on the time frame.

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Q: What is the statute of limitations on receiving stolen property?
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What is the statute of limitations on stolen property in Washington state?

The statue of limitations on stolen property in Washington state varies depending on the case. In most cases, the statute is two to three years.

Are there any statute of limitations on receiving stolen property in Alabama?

It is normally going to be three years in Alabama. If it involves state or county property, it would be six years.

How long is a person jailed for receiving stolen property?

It can vary from state to state. It depends entirely on the wording of the statute that your state legislature passed.

What is the difference between Possession of Stolen Property and Receiving Stolen Property?

Possession means that you have the property, chances are you knew it was stolen. Receiving Stolen Property means that you got it and you knew it was stolen. Typically this would be the person that bought it from a thief.

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receiving stolen property

What are the rationales in receiving stolen property?

"Rationales?" How about GREED.

What is the Statute of limitations on unknowingly selling stolen property?

It depends on the state, or jurisdiction, of your residence. You have two separate items in the same question. You're asking about the statutes that pertain to dealing in stolen property, yet you say you did it "unknowingly." If "unknowingly" is your defense, go to court and plead not guilty and clear your record instead of trying to avoid arrest by "gaming" the statutes of limitations.

Why are you being charged with receiving stolen property with no property?

Not enough information to answer the question. MY GUESS would be that law enforcement can PROVE that you DID once have the stolen property in your possession.

What does possession of proceeds of crime mean?

You were found to be in possession of stolen property. It's also known in other jurisictions as "Receiving Stolen Property."

What is the penalty for receiving stolen property in the state of new jersey?

It depends upon the value of the property.

Can you get in trouble for receiving stolen money that was a gift?

If you took that money and now know it was stolen, yes you can be prosecuted under the law. Now you have become an accessory to the fact (receiving stolen property).

Why cant a person be convicted of both stealing and receiving the same property?

The goods must be received for a dishonest purpose. Therefore, a person who receives stolen property for the purpose of returning it to its owner or to proper authorities is not guilty of receiving stolen property.