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Criminal cases require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Federal courts have refused to give juries a definition "reasonable doubt," since it is possible that such a definition might not equate to the reasonable doubt standard causing a constitutional issue on the validity of the conviction. The Federal courts leave it to the jury to determine. Curiously, there are varying practices among the various federal circuits as to the best practice with some circuits actually criticizing other circuits.

The BoP for civil cases varies - from 'preponderance of the evidence', to 'clear and convincing'.

Under the preponderance of the evidence standard, in general, you just need to prove it's more probable than not that your view is the correct view of the facts. If the proofs are equal in nature, the burden has not been met. The term "equal" relates to the quality of proof, not the quantity of proof or number of witnesses.

The 'clear and convincing' standard is a higher burden of proof than the preponderance of the evidence standard. It has been defined as that which proves in the mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or conviction as to truth of allegations sought to be established, evidence so weighty and convincing as to enable a factfinder to come to clear conviction, without hesitancy, of truth of precise facts in issue.

The various burdens of proof are never defined in terms of percentages.

Under no circumstance, however, is the BoP as high for a civil case as it is for a criminal case.

For instance; that is why the Goldman family could get a civil judgment against OJ Simpson, even if the government couldn't convict him of the crime.

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Q: What is the standard burden of proof for criminal trials and civil lawsuits?
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No. "Proof by a preponderance of the evidence" (meaning: my argument can beat up your argument) is the standard for most civil trials. "Proof beyond a resonable doubt" (meaning: unless UFOs are real we gotcha) is the standard for most criminal trials.

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