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Arbitration :)

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Q: What is the settlement technique in which a third party reviews the case and makes a decision that is legally binding for both sides?
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Do arbitrators render legally binding decisions?

yes, If the parties involved agree that the decision made will be legally binding

What is a binding decision?

Bind or binding means to impose one or more legal duties on a person or institution. For example, the parties are bound by the terms of the contract; the courts are bound by precedents. The words to bind or binding are also used to signify that a thing is subject to an obligation, engagement or liability; to indenture; to legally obligate to serve. See below link:

What if your cousin tells you that his trucking company has resorted to arbitration with the truckers' union. what does this mean?

that a third party will impose a legally binding decision

Is a sealed bid legally binding?

Sealed or not, if the bid was offered and it was accepted, yes, it is legally binding.

Is mediation legally binding?

mediation can be binding if a representative is used if not then its not binding snzbeyueen

What makes a legal binding document?

A document is legally binding if it has been notarized by a licensed notary. It is also legally binding if it has been filed in court.

Are policies legally binding?

no they are not

what are Difference between a contract and an agreement?

a contract is LEGALLY BINDING, an agreement is not necessarily legally binding depending on the circumstances

what's the difference between settlement memorandum & a settlement agreement & release?

A settlement memorandum is a summary of terms agreed upon in a settlement negotiation. A settlement agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of a settlement between parties. A settlement release is a document that releases one or both parties from further liability related to the dispute that is being settled.

Can a 12 year old make a legally binding contract?

Yes, a 12 year old can form a legally binding contract.

Is a legally-binding agreement between two or more parties.?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties.

What is the Latin phrase for legally binding contract?

The Latin phrase for legally binding contract is "pacta sunt servanda".