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1-15 Years in state prison (either at Point of the Mountain near Draper, Gunnison, or Purgatory in Washington County) and potentially $10K fine.

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Q: What is the sentence for second degree theft by deception in Utah?
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What is the sentence for second degree theft by deception in the state of Alabama?

Depends on the amount of money involved. How much money is involved?

What is the sentence for first degree theft by deception in the state of Alabama if the amount is 50000.00?

20 years in jail

What is the sentence for second degree theft by deception in the state of NJ?

5-10 years - If it is your first offense your plea deal will most likely be in the 2-3 year range depending on the crime. However many other options are available such as probation programs etc. based on your criminal history and ability to pay restitution. An attorney would be more helpful in laying out these options.

Is theft by deception a felony?

Theft by deception can be a felony offense. Theft by deception is when a person uses deception to get free services or property of another. Theft by deception is not the same thing as unintentionally writing a check for something and not having enough in the account to cover it.

What is the sentence for theft by deception in PA?

Theft by deception in Pennsylvania is graded on the amount that was stolen. Assuming no prior record, less than $2000 will result in restitution and probation. Greater than that can carry a state sentence of anywhere from 3-12 months to 9-16 months.

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What is the punishment for first degree theft in Iowa?

In the state of Iowa, theft in the second degree is a class D felony. The theft of more than $1,000 but less than $10,000 or the theft of a motor vehicle, is considered theft in the second degree.

What are the release dates for Theft by Deception - 2010?

Theft by Deception - 2010 was released on: USA: 30 December 2010 (limited)

What does theft by deception third degree mean?

These laws are not the same from state to state. The state in question must be known before the question can be answered.

What is the maximum sentence for felony theft in the third degree in Ohio?

1 to 5 years

Why is plagiarism an ethical issue?

Plagiarism involves deception and theft.

What is the meaning of Theft by deception?

Hey look over there! *steal*