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The past perfect tense of "commit" in the sentence would be "had committed" – the detectives believed that the maid had committed the theft.
If you commit a misdeed, such as theft, you may have to pay the consequences.
If you are convicted of the theft, the sentence could include jail time.
It can be used to commit identity theft
If the theft itself rose to a felony level, then so would the conspiracy charge. If not, no.
If the theft itself rose to a felony level, then so would the conspiracy charge. If not, no.
motor vehicle theft
Yes, an employer can press charges against an employee for theft if there is evidence that the employee stole from the company.
If the employee did not commit the crime at work, the employer may do nothing or may dismiss the employee, as it wishes. If the crime happened at work or the employee gave a false ID to get hired (as millions of illegal aliens do) the employer cooperaqtes with law enforcement to investigate the crime.
That's entirely up to your employer.
Had committed